Governor's Advisory Committee​ on WNC Recovery

Mission Statement

The Governor’s Advisory Committee on Western North Carolina Recovery will, with formal and informal public input from a diverse array of affected people, advise the Governor and GROW NC on strategies to address the needs of communities affected by Hurricane Helene. This may include but not be limited to housing; small businesses; roads, bridges, and other infrastructure; near- and long-term relief funding; cross-sector coordination; accountability and transparency; and other issues related to rebuilding western North Carolina.

Tab/Accordion Items

Brittany DuncanWatauga Community Health Coordinator, Western Youth NetworkAshe
Ashley CookCommunity activist and organizerAvery
Katie ButtonFounder, CúrateBuncombe​
Jack CecilPresident, Biltmore Farms; board chair, Dogwood Health TrustBuncombe​
The Hon. Esther Manheimer (Co-Chair)Mayor of AshevilleBuncombe
The Hon. Lindsey PratherRepresentative, District 115, NC General AssemblyBuncombe
Nathan RamseyExecutive Director, Land of Sky Regional Council; Director, Mountain Area Workforce Development BoardBuncombe
The Hon. Al WhitesidesCommissioner, Buncombe CountyBuncombe
The Hon. Zeb SmathersMayor of CantonHaywood
The Hon. Preston BlakelyMayor of Fletcher; Manager, Quality Janitorial GroupHenderson
Dr. Laura LeatherwoodPresident, Blue Ridge Community CollegeHenderson​
The Hon. Chuck McGradyFormer Representative, District 117, NC General AssemblyHenderson

The Committee will meet monthly and at other times at the call of the Co-Chairs or GROW NC. Meetings will generally alternate between virtual and in-person (a virtual option will be provided for those who cannot attend in-person). Committee staff intend to announce meeting dates two months in advance and to select in-person meeting locations that are convenient, accessible, and representative of the geographic diversity of western North Carolina. Meetings will be noticed through the NC Secretary of State’s Office.

Meeting dates may be subject to change. 

Meetings DatesLocationsAdditional Information
Monday, February 10, 2025VirtualMeeting Materials
Monday, March 10, 2025In-Person Will be available day prior to meeting
Monday, April 7/14, 2025Virtual 
Monday, May 12, 2025In-Person (Location to be determined) 
June 2025Virtual 
July 2025In-Person (Location to be determined) 
August 2025Virtual